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Biblical Counseling Certification Program  

Sharing the Very Best in Faith-based Education

Here you will find both upcoming training opportunities and past modules available for download. 

Click on the Topic to learn more and start your learning journey today!

Class/Workshop descriptions will provide CEU and certification information. 

Biblical Counseling Certification Classes will open for enrollment on September 1, 2024. 

2025 Spring Classes begin February 2025 

Use the Inquiry Form below to request an application packet. 

The Biblical Counseling Certification program at Higher Hopes Institute is designed as a comprehensive, comprehension-based program, emphasizing a deep understanding of faith-based integration modalities  based on Biblical principles and drawing upon psychological themes in addition to a nouthetic

Christ-centered approach. 


Through our comprehensive approach, students develop theologically-centered critical thinking skills and apply Biblically-based psychological concepts and methods of care to real-world scenarios fostering applicable Scriptural implementation, academic knowledge, and personal development while creating 
Kingdom building counseling ministries throughout the world. 

Full Certification Program Classes:

All classes can be taken on demand;

As the HHI CBC program grows,

we will release the following classes: 

All classes are 10 weeks of instruction with 12 week to complete assignments and work

except for Bible Cache.**

 Introduction to Counseling

 Marriage, Betrayal & Pre-Marital Counseling

Biblical Pastoral Counseling

Grief/Loss and Life Transitions

Adolescent/Child/Youth Issues

Anger/Abuse (incl. Spiritual)/Control Issues

Women's Issues/Men's Issues

Special Issues: Addiction/Teens/Youth

Bible Research Cache  (** this class runs entire program duration)

(scroll down for course summaries)

Class Structure:

Classes will be available on-demand with a hybrid in-person option.

Only 2 classes plus Bible Cache are allowed at one time. 

Full Load Program Length:

4 Semesters - 15-16 Months

Half Load Program Length: 

8 Semesters 2+ years

Classes include: 

Weekly Pre-recorded Lectures

Weekly Virtual Professor-led Discussions

Essays/Discussion Posts/Peer Review

Application Principles/Case Studies

Supplemental Resources (Videos/Discussions/Tools)


$150 per class (textbooks not included) 

Payment plan is allowed

$40 Registration & Matriculation Fees

$20 Technology Fee (one time fee at beginning of program)

$40 Graduation/Certification Fee (not required until program completion)

Program Leadership & Faculty:

Erin Kincaid, MA, BCBC

Jenna Meister, MS, LPC, CLC

​If you are ready to move forward, please complete the Enrollment Inquiry Form below. 

You will receive the application to enroll in your email account. 

Apply for 2025 Enrollment

How did you learn about HHI?
What are you interested in?

Biblical Counseling Class Summaries 

Semester 1 - Introduction to Counseling An Integrated Model  (10 weeks)

Introduction to Psychology is a foundational class for beginners to the world of counseling. In this class, students will explore behavioral science, neuropathology, and theoretical approaches to working with people in a counseling setting as well as gain an understanding of the history and development of this exciting field. 

Semester 1 - Marriage, Betrayal & Pre-Marital Counseling (10 weeks)

Marriage, Betrayal & Pre-Marital Counseling explores an integration of theoretical approaches to working with couples. In this class, students will learn and discuss healthy/effective communication, conflict management, intergenerational patterns of trauma, emotional and sexual intimacy, and the process of grief and healing after betrayal. We will also evaluate societal and cultural norms that effect relationship behaviors.

Semester 2 - Biblical Pastoral Counseling  (10 weeks)

The church has a bitter-sweet history of handling the counseling arena. The Bible continues to prove and support evidence-based theoretical approaches and research. This class will focus on what it means to counsel from a biblical, faith-based perspective while understanding how to handle the infallible Word of God correctly and accurately in the counseling office.  

Semester 2 - Grief/Loss and Life Transitions  (10 weeks)

Grief, loss, and life transitions are both beautiful and hard. While change is necessary, the process of grief is just as essential. This class will focus on how to counsel individuals through some of the hardest seasons of their lives all while gently pointing back to the hope we have in Christ.  


Semester 3 - Adolescent/Child/Youth Issues  (10 weeks)

Adolescent/Child/Youth Issues offers a faith-based look at age appropriate emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical development. Students will learn and discuss how to meet the needs of today's youth in their ever-changing culture of societal norms, technology, personal belief systems, education, and family dynamics.   


Semester 3 - Anger/Abuse (incl. Spiritual)/Control Issues  (10 weeks)

In this class, students will explore the roots of and the damage of anger and abuse in relationships, families, and the church. We will learn and discuss what it means to identify anger issues and how to lead individuals on a road to self-awareness, healing, and Christ-centered personal growth.   


Semester 4 - Women's Issues/Men's Issues (10 weeks)

In a world that claims a right to tell men and women what they should or should not be, the church is filled with individuals who are jaded, hurt, frustrated, and looking for answers. It this class, students will discover and discuss the profound importance of incorporating evidence-based research and the infallible Word of God to offer a space of healing and in the counseling office. 


Program Duration Class: Bible Research Cache  (Class begins Semester 1 and runs through Semester 4)

A continual pursuit of greater biblical understanding is key to biblical-based counseling. We take contextual knowledge seriously. Therefore, students are asked to have a greater grasp of the text.  For the duration of this program, students are asked to read every book of the bible once through while notating key scriptures and passages that will assist on a counseling platform.

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